Important Free Lessons from Robert:
that Photographers Make
Establish You Signature Style and Maintain it Across Genres and Assignments
The Mentorship Program is founded upon how to build your unique vision and stick to it, ESPECIALLY when you're hired for commercial assignments.
Be Ahead of the Curve, Not just
Creatively but also Business-wise
This doesn't mean following trends, it means experimenting with new ways of getting your art in front of the right people to advance your financial prospects, your creative opportunities, and seeing growth potential in overlooked places.
Technical Aspects Must Become Second-Nature for Real Creativity to Blossom
Moving beyond technical camera work is an essential step towards expressing your vision. When you've moved beyond this stage as a photographer you'll begin to produce images that come from deep within you.
Prioritize Creating Marketing Partnerships
You need to start NOW in creating win-win partnerships with outside sources. This could be with galleries, charities, photography equipment companies, and companies, anyone who you can build a long-term professional relationship with.
We encourage the serious photographer considering any of our Mentorship Tiers to take our Questionnaire - this will help us grasp where you’re at creatively, but will also help YOU find out more about yourself!
This Questionnaire will help give you an understanding of the parameters and goals of what this unique Mentorship and Coaching Center are all about.