A.I. Image in Your Signature Style
We emphasize the importance of having a Signature Style, and this assignment will help you identify what your Signature Style is.
For this assignment generate an A.I. image that reflects your own photographic style. You can use a free service such as OpenAI, or a paid program such as Midjourney.
Be very specific in your prompts so that the subject matter, lighting and composition are unique and may not appear to be an A.I. image.
Review the Auditorium presentation with Mark Jaress in order to learn the basics of A.I. image generation. Mark, Robert and FICC Members discuss important considerations such as creating as specific an image as you have in mind, how to modify already generated images, copyright considerations, and much more.
Below are A.I. images generated by Midjourney (created live during the Auditorium presentation above) using the prompt:
"An elegant woman in black and white in the style of Robert Farber, add some of the grit that Robert exemplifies. Add graininess and less contrast."