Over the course of my 50 year career, I have faced controversy, particularly surrounding my fine art nude photography. Despite proof with credibility over the years of being a respected artist, I enountered the challenges of censorship of my images. From shows to social media, I have met and personally overcome criticism of my work, though the challenge of censorship contiues, and I as well as my peers continue to be censored from these social media platforms. So I invite and welcome all that create compelling work to show it all here!
...Artistic Discretion is of utmost importance
This link will take you through a timelime of my challenges.
ROBERT FARBER Censorship and Challenges
I fully support your no censorship of fine art nudes. Searching the nude folder on your website, proves to me what an incredible artist you are. Somehow I believe Europeans have a more healthy view on nudes in art? Check out the famous Norwegian painter, Odd Nerdrum, who do selfportraits of his own penis. Why is nudity more accepted in paintings than in photography? As Americans we have a lack of freedom of speech when museums here choose to cover Michellangelo David's private parts! Thank you for standing up against this ridiculous censorship, that in my opinion violate the essence of being a human being, and an artist.