Thanks. Blue? There's no shortage of 'ham' at the resort. The top photo was spontaneous. The middle and bottom were part of her yoga routine. Tech - Canon 7d 24-105 L.
Thanks for your comment. I've been fortunate to visit the same resort, with many of the same staff members, in Cancun for the last 15 years. The group photo was spontaneous. The yoga instructor went through her 10 minute exercise without prompts or my input. I've found, incliding last night 'Zombie Crawl,' in Reno, Nevada, that many people will ham and pose for a camera without prompts or direction. Photo - Zombie, a digital instant film transfer, Reno, Nv.
How could you not smile with this pic? GREAT! I want to hear more about the 'blue.'
I like these as lifestyle photography but more substantive because they tell a story too!