FICC Tutorial / A Walkthrough Your Profile
Welcome to the Interactive Coaching Center!
In this article we'll take a look at the main features of your subscriptions and how to use them.
2. The Course Curriculum and Instructional Videos
Your Profile Page
Treat your Profile Page as your Home Page for your membership subscription. You can access your Profile from any page on the site by clicking the Login Bar on the top right hand corner.
You'll find all of the essential features on the left-hand panel - your Profile Menu.
To start, fill in some information about yourself, your art, your style, and contact information you'd like to share with the community.
Other Members can follow your account and your activity, and you can find other Members on the Members List icon in the Profile Menu.

VIDEO: How to add your Artist Statement
and Photos to your Profile
The Profile Menu
Farber Course Videos - Click here to access the complete Course Curriculum of Videos created by Robert to date.
Assignments Home - This is where you'll find the Assignments that accompany the Farber Course Videos. You can visit any Assignment at any time regardless of how many Course Videos you've completed.
The Inner Circle Forum - When you've completed an Assignment, find its corresponding Category in this Forum and post it. The most compelling posts are eligible for special Rewards from our Sponsors. Rewards are announced on a rolling basis to all Members.
Immediate Sign Up Rewards - As soon as you become a Member, click here access these Sponsors Rewards.
Sponsor Rewards Detail - This is a complete breakdown of the active Sponsor Rewards, including how the Merit Point system works. Essentially, the more you participate in the Inner Circle Forum, the higher you'll climb in Merit Points, which makes you eligible for even more valuable Rewards from our Sponsors.
Followers - Explore who's following you and follow them back!
Members List - A complete list of all of the Members of the Interactive Coaching Center.
Forum Posts - All of your posts to the Inner Circle Forum, including your submitted assignments and their comments, are found here.
Forum Comments - Here are your comments to other people's posts in the Inner Circle Forum.
My Rewards - *Feature in development* This is where you'll find the Badges you'll receive for being a Founding Member (Pre-Alpha, Alpha and Beta Sign-ups) and for compelling photographic Assignments to the Forum.
My Subscriptions - This is where you'll find your monthly subscription status and where you can cancel your subscription.
My Account - This is where you can update your Display Name, email address and phone number, as well as make your Profile private (not viewable by other Members).
Notifications - Here are all of your recent interactions on the site, such as Members replying to your comments, reactions to your posts, new Members following you, etc.
Settings - This is where you can update when you receive email notifications about interactions on the site.
Farber Course Videos
You can access the complete Farber Course Videos at the top the Profile Menu on the left-hand side of your Profile.
The Course Curriculum is below the video playlist, and stay tuned as more videos are uploaded to the course.

The Photographic Assignments
You can access the Assignments Home from your Profile Menu, as well as from the "Interactive Coaching Center" pulldown menu on the top website menu.
After reading the Assignment description and seeing the sample images, we encourage you to produce new images on your own time.

The Inner Circle Forum
The Inner Circle Forum's home page you'll find every post made by Members and Admins, organized by the most recent.
Click the "Categories" link at at the top of the page to view each category linked to an Assignment, as well as other unique categories to post in which are updated regularly, such as "Galleries / Museum Exhibitions".
Post your Assignment and remember that the best comments and critiques to other Member posts receive additional Merit Points.
Each Assignment Post = 25 Merit Points

Sponsor Rewards
"Our Mission at the Robert Farber Coaching Center is to inspire and motivate you on the path to realizing your creative and financial goals.
Thanks to the generous support of our most respected sponsors, we've established an awards program to help you reach those goals."
Active participation in the Inner Circle Forum and posting your Assignments includes an excellent benefit: the ability to earn Rewards from our Sponsors.

Our Sponsors & Partners
(additional TBA)
If you have any questions about any features, you can use the Chat feature on the bottom right-hand corner, or contact us directly at